5 Minutes With ... Ariel Hitchcock

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5 Minutes With … Arielle Hitchcock

BHZ servers are the best! Ok, maybe we’re a little biased, but Arielle Hitchcock really does prove our point. See for yourself. Here’s 5 minutes with ... Arielle Hitchcock

What’s your position at BHZ? Technically a server, but I prefer the term “beer-tender”

How long have you worked at BHZ? I’ve been here for right around 10 months.

What makes BHZ such a great place to work? 

The staff here are like a family. It’s something I noticed on my first training shift. Their personalities, along with those of our guests, makes this a special place to work. Also, it doesn't hurt that BHZ cranks out some pretty delish beer & seltzer!

Why should beer enthusiasts visit BHZ? 

BHZ truly has something for everyone. We make classic brews, sours, stouts, hard seltzers, and more—great place to visit and try something new.

What is your favorite thing about working in the craft beer industry? 

Trying new beers and meeting new people! The craft beer industry is always innovating so there are plenty of new brews to try. I've also made many friends in the industry, as well as customers, who I can bond with over our shared love of beer.

Favorite beer … at BHZ + beyond? Guava Calling – it’s the perfect summer beer and I’m sad to see it go as Fall comes around.

My favorite beer beyond BHZ is Wachusett Blueberry. I didn’t always love beer, but this was the tipping point that put me on the craft beer path.

Favorite place to enjoy a beer?  

In the summertime, there’s nothing better than a cold beer by the pool. Any other time of the year, I prefer the comfort of my couch hanging with my dogs.

Favorite non-alcoholic beverage? 

Water - I genuinely like the taste and I always have a full bottle with me.

Ocean or lake person? 100% ocean!

What skill do you think everyone should have?

I think an overlooked skill is the ability to listen. Sometimes taking a few minutes to just consciously keep quiet and listen to the ones around you can be very enlightening.  

Josh Sarnowitz | contributor

Josh is a communications professional and craft beer enthusiast. He’s a Massachusetts native who recently moved back the South Shore. (Welcome back, Josh!) When not visiting new breweries or playing sports, you can find him fishing – follow along on IG @ExploreTheShoreFishing