5 Minutes With ... Kristen Donovan

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5 Minutes With…Kristen Donovan

Summer is over and days are shorter. Air is crisp. Flannels are out in abundance. But we’ve got something to cheer you up ... BEER! AND, the amazing people behind the beer (and craft hard seltzer too!)

If you’ve been following along with this blog series, you probably notice a trend: we hire some pretty great people. This next post takes you behind the bar to meet another one of our rock stars.

This is 5 Minutes With ... Kristen Donovan.

What’s your position at BHZ?  I work as a server in the taproom. Been here about 3 years.

What makes BHZ such a great place to work?  BHZ is true to my heart. I visited right when the brewery opened and fell in love with the warm space and atmosphere. Beyond the great beer, everyone who works here has their own creative edge that makes them unique.

Why should beer enthusiasts visit BHZ?  The ever-changing list of creative beers! I’ve expanded my palate greatly since I started working here. The atmosphere of the taproom and outdoor space are great too!

What is your favorite thing about working in the craft beer industry?  There’s always great company! My husband brews his own beer and belongs to a home brew club, so I’ve met many craft beer enthusiasts. Everyone has a unique story about their passion for beer and what first got them hooked.

Favorite beer at BHZ? BHZ’s Red, White and Cold Brew! It was a coffee blonde ale and somewhere around 8% ABV. The coffee beans really stood out in this beer, but the blonde color was surprising. It was a wonderfully brewed beer for the 4th of July, or the day after.

Favorite place to enjoy a beer?  The beach! It’s my favorite place to be—especially if the whole family is there.

If you’re stranded on an island, what three items are you bringing with you? My dog, drinking water, and Chapstick.

Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?  Iced coffee! I’m a mom, so I live on coffee. (Hence my love for coffee blonde beer!)

Ocean or lake? I’m definitely an ocean person! My family has a great cottage in Fairhaven that keeps us close to the sand and waves.