Barrel House Z brewing

5 Minutes with ... Bryan Hassebrock

5 Minutes with ... Bryan Hassebrock

Next up in the “5 Minutes with…” blog series is a chat with Bryan Hassebrock, an essential member of the BHZ brewing team. He spends most of his days on the brew floor preparing and creating new styles of beer that reflect his incredible passion for brewing.

Here’s 5 Minutes with… Bryan Hassebrock.

5 Minutes with ... Nate Malloy

5 Minutes with ... Nate Malloy

5 Minutes with Nate Malloy. Nate is our plucky, junior cellarman here at Barrel House Z.

He brings a positive attitude to everything he does. His days are filled with a wide array of jobs, all of which he does willingly, including laughing at our head brewer’s dumb jokes—which isn’t in the job description. Beer delivery is also part of his workload and recently, Nate stepped into cover accounts when needed. A full-time college student (not easy during the pandemic), Nate also puts in a 40-hour week. It’s fair to say that good, productive days at BHZ don’t happen without Nate. So, let’s learn a little bit more about him

5 Minutes With ... Ariel Hitchcock

5 Minutes With ... Ariel Hitchcock

5 Minutes With … Arielle Hitchcock

BHZ servers are the best! Ok, maybe we’re a little biased, but Arielle Hitchcock really does prove our point. See for yourself. Here’s 5 minutes with ... Arielle Hitchcock.

5 Minutes With ... Kristen Donovan

5 Minutes With ... Kristen Donovan

Summer’s over. Days are shorter. Air is crisp. Flannels come out in abundance. But we’ve got something to cheer you up ... BEER! AND, the amazing people behind the beer (and craft hard seltzer too!)

If you’ve been following along with this blog series, you probably notice a trend: we hire some pretty great people. This next post takes you behind the bar to meet another one of our rock stars.

This is 5 Minutes With ... Kristen Donovan.

5 Minutes With ... Russ Heissner

5 Minutes With ... Russ Heissner

If you graduate with a degree in Fermentation Science, there’s a very good chance you are going to brew beer. For Russ Heissner, a 1985 graduate of U.C. Davis, beer making was always the plan. The year he graduated, Harpoon convinced him to come East and put his skills to work there. Fast forward 30+ years, and he’s at Barrel House Z. Now 5 Minutes With … Russ Heissner.