5 Minutes With

5 Minutes with ... Matt Wiley

There’s no doubt that head brewer Matt Wiley is the backbone of BHZ’s brewing team. He’s always thinking of ingredients, flavors, and technique and has helped create and brew some of our most memorable styles.

Keep reading 5 Minutes with… Matt Wiley to learn more.

What’s your role at BHZ? Head brewer … been here about four or five months.

5 Minutes with ... Bryan Hassebrock

5 Minutes with ... Bryan Hassebrock

Next up in the “5 Minutes with…” blog series is a chat with Bryan Hassebrock, an essential member of the BHZ brewing team. He spends most of his days on the brew floor preparing and creating new styles of beer that reflect his incredible passion for brewing.

Here’s 5 Minutes with… Bryan Hassebrock.

5 Minutes with ... DeJa Stone

5 Minutes with ... DeJa Stone

Barrel House Z just made a great new hire! Meet DeJa Stone, the newest member of the BHZ team. She is compassionate, hardworking and already proving to be a powerhouse for the sales crew. She isn’t afraid of competition or making her voice heard. We are excited to see what DeJa will accomplish in the future.

Continue reading 5 Minutes with … DeJa Stone to learn more about BHZ’s newest and extremely vibrant team member!

5 Minutes With ... Ariel Hitchcock

5 Minutes With ... Ariel Hitchcock

5 Minutes With … Arielle Hitchcock

BHZ servers are the best! Ok, maybe we’re a little biased, but Arielle Hitchcock really does prove our point. See for yourself. Here’s 5 minutes with ... Arielle Hitchcock.