5 Minutes With ... Russ Heissner

5 Minutes With ... Russ Heissner

If you graduate with a degree in Fermentation Science, there’s a very good chance you are going to brew beer. For Russ Heissner, a 1985 graduate of U.C. Davis, beer making was always the plan. The year he graduated, Harpoon convinced him to come East and put his skills to work there. Fast forward 30+ years, and he’s at Barrel House Z. Now 5 Minutes With … Russ Heissner.

5 Minutes With ... Laurel Schenck

5 Minutes With ... Laurel Schenck

Great beer leads to great company—and at Barrel House Z, we’re spoiled with both!

To show our appreciation, we want to introduce you to someone who has a big impact on the Barrel House Z beers you love. In a year of social distancing, she LITERALLY has a hand (gloved, of course) in brewing all our beers.

Sit back, crack a cold one, and read along. Here’s 5 Minutes With ... Laurel Schenck!