5 Minutes With ... Laurel Schenck


Great beer leads to great company—and at Barrel House Z, we’re spoiled with both!

To show our appreciation, we want to introduce you to someone who has a big impact on the Barrel House Z beers you love. In a year of social distancing, she LITERALLY has a hand (gloved, of course) in brewing all our beers.

Sit back, crack a cold one, and read along. Here’s 5 Minutes With ... Laurel Schenck!

What’s your position at BHZ? Brewer. I joined the team just over 3 months ago.

What makes BHZ a great place to work? Our creative environment and team mentality.

Why should beer lovers visit? We offer a wide range of beer styles, appealing to many different tastes, and every beer is brewed with careful practice to keep our beer fresh and flavorful!

Favorite thing about working in the craft beer? I love the sense of community. We have great relationships with other local breweries and everyone here lends a helpful hand.

What is your favorite beer … both at BHZ and beyond? My favorite BHZ beer is Picnic Day, a refreshing Rosé Saison from this summer. My favorite beer beyond BHZ is Edward, by Hill Farmstead Brewery in Vermont. It’s an unfiltered, dry hopped American IPA ... and it’s delicious!

Favorite place to enjoy a beer? On the back porch with my fiancé, two dogs, and the grill. Burgers and beer have been friends for a long time.

If you’re stranded on an island, what 3 items are you bringing with you? A float for the water, plenty of margarita mix, and sunscreen.

What’s your favorite non-alcoholic beverage? Regardless of how you pronounce the name, La Croix Grapefruit Seltzer is my favorite.

Ocean or lake person? Ocean—particularly in Northern Maine.

Josh Sarnowitz | contributor
Josh is a communications professional and craft beer enthusiast. He’s a Massachusetts native who recently moved back the South Shore. (Welcome back, Josh!) When not visiting new breweries or playing sports, you can find him fishing – follow along on IG @ExploreTheShoreFishing