5 Minutes With ... Tim Morrison

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5 Minutes With ... Tim Morrison

How well do you you know BHZ? Sure, you might remember the year we started brewing. We’d even bet you can name a good number of beers. But you know what really WOWS? Knowing our people!

Keep following our  5 Minutes With … series, come into the taproom, and meet some of the great people that make BHZ happen, like Tim Morrison. Hello Tim!

Tim, what’s your position at BHZ? I’m a server in the taproom.

How long have you worked here? Two years

What makes BHZ such a great place to work? Definitely the people—both the staff and guests!

Our staff is a close-knit group, even though many of us have second or third jobs outside BHZ. Many of us have kids, are Bruins’ fans, love music, and have a passion for beer. It's always fun to see who I'm working with on any given night. Our guests are the best. From the regulars who come every Sunday after their morning bike ride for a brunch of pretzels and beer or the crowd that loves to visit on Friday after work, it’s fun meeting people that love our taproom and beers.

Why should beer enthusiasts visit BHZ? The beer! Even the most experienced beer drinkers can find something they've never had before. You like stouts, oh cool, here try our barrel aged Zelato Tiramisu Stout.

Favorite thing about working in craft beer? The community. I love meeting and talking to folks from other breweries too. The passion to produce quality products and experiences for guests is unparalleled.

Favorite beer at BHZ and beyond? At BHZ: Adeline, 100000000% Adeline. It's the best stout I've ever had. Beyond BHZ: I’ve always had a soft spot for the Sam Adams Seasonal beers. The first sip of Octoberfest or Sam Summer always sets the mood for that particular season.

Favorite place to enjoy a beer? Anywhere that has a fire pit.

Favorite non-alcoholic beverage? It’s not the best choice, but it has to be soda. Starbucks iced black tea with peach juice is a close second though.

Ocean or lake person? Definitely ocean.

If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or into the future—and why? Back in time, so I can tell my younger self to save more money!

Josh Sarnowitz | contributor
Josh is a communications professional and craft beer enthusiast. He’s a Massachusetts native who recently moved back the South Shore. (Welcome back, Josh!) When not visiting new breweries or playing sports, you can find him fishing – follow along on IG @ExploreTheShoreFishing