5 Minutes with ... Fitz + Michelle of New England Runner

Robert Fitzgerald (Fitz) and Michelle Le Brun publish New England Runner, a regional running magazine which, and we quote, “has been covering young and old, fast and slow, in the six New England states, NY and beyond since 1983.”

Fitz and Michelle purchased the magazine in1998. Their endless enthusiasm has taken them to running events around the world.

We caught up with Fitz and Michelle at BHZ last week as they helped get things ready for the annual BHZ 5K on Sunday, August 29th.

Yes, there’s still time to sign up for Sunday’s race. But first, a few minutes with BHZ friends, Fitz and Michelle.

Where are you both from?

Fitz: Newton, MA. Michelle: Taunton, MA.

How do you divvy up the job of running (no pun intended) at New England Runner?
Fitz: Editor and co-publisher
Michelle: I handle marketing and circulation.

How did you get involved with athletic journalism?
Fitz: Once upon a time, I used to run 70-95 miles a week and was really into running. I grew up during the first running boom and loved the sport. I started writing about running because it seemed natural. I ended up in a niche because other writers didn’t know how to cover running events.

Michelle: I was a teacher and started working for NE Runner part time. Two years into the job, the owner wanted to sell the magazine. At first, I was reluctant because I had never done anything like this before. There was a lot of risk, but luckily the previous owner built a really strong foundation.

Have you always been a part of the running community?
Michelle: I started running a bit during college, but did not run my first road race until I met Bob. I ran the Cambridge YMCA 5K in 1991 and was hooked.

Fitz: I played football and hockey in high school. I didn’t start running until after college.

What’s your favorite part about working within the running community?Fitz: The people you meet and the places you travel to. We’ve been all over Europe and other amazing places.

Michelle: 99% of runners and industry folks are great people. It’s a pretty small community, so people stick together and have each other's backs.

Favorite athlete to interview or event to cover?
Fitz: Every runner is well educated and interesting to talk to. I’ve interviewed Carl Lewis and some other Olympians. It’s nice to speak with a wide array of people and get different perspectives.

Michelle: One of our favorite events to cover is the Mount Washington Road Race because it’s so fun and completely different. As for people, Bill Rodgers is a great interview.

How did your relationship with BHZ begin?
Fitz: When I was a race director 30 years ago, I called Harpoon to supply beers for a race. Russ Heissner was Harpoon’s first head brewer back then. We reconnected a few years ago.

Michelle: When Russ started BHZ, he contacted us and said he’d love to host an event if we were interested. That’s how this started.

Favorite part about collaborating with BHZ?
Michelle: The beer! And everyone here has been great to work with. They’re very helpful … it’s a great relationship.

Fitz: The beer and the people. It’s really rewarding to see everyone together, enjoying some drinks on race day.

Why should people visit BHZ and participate in the BHZ 5K?

Fitz: We have a nice, accurate course and it’s a lot of fun afterward. People haven’t seen each other in a while because of the pandemic, so It’s a chance for people to get together and socialize.

Michelle: Fun time and great beer. We put on a quality event. There’s a nice mix of competition and party atmosphere.

Favorite BHZ beer?
Michelle: Bamboozled By Hops IPA or Adeline Imperial Stout.
Fitz: Bamboozled By Hops IPA

How do you spend your free time?
Fitz: Read! We run every Sunday with our running group. We love to travel, but we haven’t been able to because of the pandemic.
Michelle: I love to read too. Now that we can’t travel, we spend a lot of time with our cats

Sign up for the BHZ 5K Road Race at bhz5k.com. There will be a post-run party where top runners will be awarded, one complimentary beer or craft hard seltzer will be provided, light refreshments will be available, and Sarcastic Swine BBQ will be in the house.

Interview By: Catherine Rice