5 Minutes With ... Chaz

Chaz Boggini is one of our favorite people. He was an early BHZer, selling beer and bringing lots of fun to our team with his super-positive attitude. No surprise that a guy with this much can-do would eventually want to do his own thing. So when he left Barrel House Z to help develop Paragon Boardwalk, we were thrilled to wish him well on this new adventure.

Paragon Boardwalk may be quiet during quarantine, but big things are in the works. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, here’s the 5-min what’s what with Chaz!

What were you doing before self-isolating?

-CB  I finally got to snowboard in VT!  Experienced an epic day at Killington the week before locking it down in hopes of flattening the curve.  Now, I’m supporting my wife, who as a nurse, is quite literally working to flatten that curve!  Go frontline heroes!

What are you doing now?

-CB Taking time everyday to skateboard (longboard) around, creating clips then transitioning into talking beer on IG (@ParagonBoardwalk)  Calling it #ChillinwithChaz—a crazy hashtag that got started (during a tasting/happy hour on the Mass Bay Line commuter boat … ) when I was first selling BHZ in the great state of MASS! 

Favorite/Not Favorite Binge-Worthy Show

-I watched Tiger King.  Thought it was about my idol, Tiger Woods.  Wrong.  Wrong. Rating C-

Best Music to Lighten the Days

-Aldous Collins. Partnering with Aldous on a project we’re involved in on Nantasket Beach has enabled me to cut in some of his tunes used to wrap up each of my beer reviews. Great musician!

Favorite Food

-PB&J. Boom.

Least Favorite Food

-Leftover Easter CHOCOLATE that I can't stop grabbing.  Love/Hate thing.

What's BHZ beer are you drinking (reviewing!)

-Reviewed & loved Dolphins on Parade | NEIPA 5.4%. I really like my IPA's in the 5.5 - 6.5% ABV range

Other Beers I Love 

-Vitamin Sea collab with Bissell Tre Flip Cream Ale +9%
-Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat

What do I think the world needs more of these days?

-Bike lanes (I don't cycle, but would consider it if there were bike lanes that I've seen in other parts of the country)

Who inspires me?

-My grandmas.  Both of ‘em!

First thing I'll do when the quarantine ends?

-Visit a recreational marijuana dispensary to see what they have to offer finally!