So Virtually Happy Together!

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Creating the Perfect Virtual Happy Hour

Yes, social distancing is the new normal. We’re all going to get through this tough time together, just from at least 6-feet away. Here at BHZ, we wanted to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to host the perfect virtual happy hour. So you and yours can still connect.

 Step 1. Get Your Group Together
Invite a group, but not too many people. Anything over 10 is probably going to start to sound like a garbled mess to everyone on the call. Get together that core group that you’ve been meaning to see during these crazy times. Remember, it’s important to have a max capacity even if it’s not for following fire codes. 

 Step 2. Gather Your Tools
At BHZ, we might be a little biased, but we recommend checking out our beer for your virtual HH. Dream State Cookies & Cream Stout is super popular. Or, if you’re looking for a great IPA, Bamboozled by Hops could be the one. See what we have through our online ordering. That said, whether you decide to go for a BHZ brew, glass of wine, or craft a signature "quarantini," treat yourself. This is a stressful time, so be sure you’re sipping something that sparks serious joy.  

 Step 3. Get Ready as If You Were Actually Going Out
While we typically don’t endorse most things coming out of New York, The New York Times correctly cited the importance of getting out of those sweats and looking good for your virtual get together. Whatever makes you feel normal right now is helpful. If that means perfecting that smokey eye or trimming down that five-o’clock shadow, then that’s what you should do. 

 Step 4. Vibe Check
Get that ambiance right. Bust out some soft lighting and a quiet atmosphere as to not take anything away from anyone else’s experience. Yes, you may have a really cute doggo, but having the pup barking in the background doesn't create the most relaxing atmosphere for attendees. 

Step 5. Listen Up!
Fight your inner interrupter. Try to be respectful to everyone and listen. Obviously, people want to know what's up with you, but it’s a two-way street. So, from time to time, zip those lips and opt for a few sips. 

 Step 6. Pick Your Platform
There are many different options to use right now: Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, Facetime, etc. Zoom is great because of its grid that actually highlights whoever is speaking, drawing attention from the group and limiting interruptions. Bottomline: go with the technology you find easiest to work with. Keep the stress low!

 Step 7. Make Your Get Togethers Short, Sweet, and Often
A virtual happy hour shouldn't be too long because people may lose interest or simply might have something else to take care of, such as baking their 8th loaf of bread or watching Tiger King. Try to stick to the planned times and if people naturally go over that, then great!
